Grima + supp: Ultar || Hulen

CC: 350/370
ID: 18
Atmospheric black metal union GRIMA return with a dark ritual of ancient forest magic!
With 10 years of scene-stealing experience behind them, looming stars of Siberian atmospheric black metal, GRIMA, will release their sixth album and Napalm Records debut, Nightside, on February 28, 2025.
After several shows accross Europe (one with highly-uprising german death metal force Kanonenfieber), the band is set to honor the spirit of the Siberian Forest, Taiga, with their impending next chapter. While fans of their deep, melancholic sound can look forward to tales like in “Flight Of The Silver Storm” and “The Nightside”, GRIMA also showcases focused effort and skill on the album’s more brief, accessible offerings. “Beyond The Dark Horizon“ and “Curse Of The Void” are as dreamy and complex as their big brothers, but also satisfy as more direct black metal anthems.
The band shows a wide range of variety: First single “Skull Gatherers” is infused with the mesmerizing cold of the Siberian evening wilderness, constructed with folk instruments like the Russian accordion bayan but GRIMA also use death metal-like growls into their delivery on “Impending Death Premonition”. Mixing, mastering, and helming the album’s clear, powerful sound is black metal-experienced producer Vladimir Lehtinen. The two driving forces behind the band’s unique sound, Vilhelm and Morbius, both deliver different aspects of the band’s impactful, massive guitar riffs, leads and melodies, while Vilhelm also soars as vocalist. Guest musicians Vlad (drums) and Serpentum (guitars) also join the fold both in studio and on stage.
In addition to their unforgettable sound, the band’s eerie, piercing look– towering like living trees with intimidating carved wooden masks and branched fingers– adds another haunting element to their brutal yet beautiful output. With their mysterious visual aura and intriguing sound, on Nightside, GRIMA continues to prove themselves as an unmissable band to watch within the genre.
Ultar is a five-piece band from the heart of Siberia, Krasnoyarsk town, that is placed amidst the howling woods and red mountains. Founded in 2011 under the other name, Deafknife, as a lovecraftian post-black metal act, the band reborn in 2016 with the new name, new approach and epicly atmospheric sound.
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