Chemtrails Oslo + Exploding Head Syndrome + Risman & The Stakedrivers || Hulen

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Samstag 18 Okt 2025 20:00

Endet Sonntag 19 Okt 2025 02:00

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Chemtrails Oslo + Exploding Head Syndrome + Risman & The Stakedrivers

CC: 300/350
ID: 18


Rock from the south of Norway with obvious concentration problems, significant learning difficulties, and way too many special needs.  

The title of the band’s first album, “4Chan-MethRock,” made no sense whatsoever, except to indicate that the Vågsbygd boys spent far too much time on the internet and could have benefited from closer supervision at home. None of which happened. The album however is excellent. Correction; it's perfect.

The follow-up, “LGBT-ADHD-MDMA,” (written in childish all-caps) at least gave the genre “Toilet Rock” some masked faces to hang its filthy hat on. Despite its extremely uncooperative title it was, yet again, the number one album of the year. As should be clear by now , Chemtrails Oslo excels in all aspects of life and music, except for language use and potential cognitive tests, where they would naturally score low. Real low.

In 2024, the band’s third full-length album is on the way, along with festival performances at Åleråkk, Løddepønk, and Helsinki Must be Destroyed. They will also be headlining Weltturbojugendtage in Hamburg in August - praying not to get fucked by sexy sailors with vinyl addictions in the St. Pauli district.  

The album has yet to receive a title, but it can safely be assumed that despite their best efforts it's gonna be yet another nonsensical and incoherent affair. In stark contrast to its perfect content. Album of the year? Yes.

During Chemtrail Oslo's short lifespan, the band has shared the stage with bands like The Dogs, Bokassa, and hardcore legends Discharge, and has been seen at the Øyafestivalen Club Program. Yes, they are a busy bunch. All singles from “LGBT-ADHD-MDMA” have received airtime on NRK P13, and has-beens like Joddski (Tungtvann) and Thomas Seltzer (Turbonegro) have given their thumbs up to the band. The band has chosen to bask in this aging glory and is reportedly very pleased with their own efforts.

Chemtrails Oslo don't own a car and only one of them is homeless. None of them carry knives. They are still not allowed.


Fourteen years, six releases, and a three-digit number of shows have shaped Exploding Head Syndrome into the band they are today. The quintet has gradually become one of Norway's most seasoned bands within their genre, having performed numerous club gigs and festivals both domestically and internationally.Exploding Head Syndrome blends 90s punk rock with melodic hardcore and with their latest release, "Victims,"  that was released in 2023, their distinctive sound is immediately recognisable as always;hard-hitting and melodic. The intensity and energy of their songs are transformed into an equally, if not more, energetic live show where one can expect both stage diving and circle pits.

Vocals│Eirik Ekholdt
Guitar / Vocals│Morten Rørvig
Bass / Vocals│ Håvard Jacobsen
Guitar│Jonas Andreassen
Drums │Lars Kirkerud

Gjennom 10 år har de provosert, forført og skapt ragnarok på utallige konserter fra kjellere til høye scener. Med trynesmeltene soloer, et manisk sceneshow og låter i bånn gass tempo blir en Rismann & The Stakedrivers-konsert alltid en opplevelse. Ingen gig er for liten og intet publikum upassende.

Debut-singelen “Prince Charming” er en noe nevrotisk & sinna fortelling om ubehagelige sannheter som banker på døra mens bandet sitter i fosterstilling og tenker tilbake til bedre tider. Samtidig tar den for seg problematikken med smørjen av monarki, politikk, kjendis - og festkultur. Mennesker som blir opphevet til noe mer enn bare mennesker, hubris og alt ansvaret som ligger med å være noe mer enn menneske.

Låten tar også (!) for seg den stygge sannheten bak 12 millioner pund, en pizza som kostet mer enn den skulle, en skjorte som var våt av blod, svette og tårer og med små lysglimt av U18 konsert med Honningbarna i 2014.

Design: Relentless Booking


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