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Once Awake + supp: Charlet || Hulen

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Once Awake +

supp: Charlet

CC: 150/199
ID: 18


Once Awake

Forging metal with influences from the early 2000s new wave of American metal as well as the Scandinavian melodic death metal scene, the Norwegians have made a mark for themselves in the underground scene.

Performing at the first ever Knotfest live-streaming festival ‘Pulse Of The Maggots’ during the pandemic - alongside bands such as Orbit Culture and Vended to name a few - they got worldwide attention and recognition.

Third album “Bridgeburner” (2020) was a big step-up in production and quality as the bands’ sound continues to evolve, putting high value on fusing the elements of melodic choruses mixed with teeth-crushing riffs and breakdowns.

By touring all over Europe playing 22 shows with Dagoba (FRA) and Infected Rain (MOL) in 2022 Once Awake have expanded their fanbase significantly - and audiences as well as critics praise their live performances.

The fourth album is self-titled and was released 23. November 2022.

Followed by their first headlining tour in the UK in January 2023, the UK Awake Tour 2023. Yet another successful headlining tour in the UK followed in early 2024. Now new material is being recorded for the 5th album and new tours in the making.


Bergensbandet Charlet startet opp i 2023 og spiller energisk og melodiøs rock og har arbeidet frem et repertoar av fengende og hardtslående rockelåter, spesielt inspirert av pop-punk og hard rock fra CDens gullalder. 

Bandet består av Geo Pardalos (trommer), Bård Vågsholm Husby (gitar), Cata Babut (gitar), Bendik Myrene Bleikli (bass) og Charlotte Marlen Midtun (vokal).

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